Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tyler on the diving board at Vern and Gia's pool

All of the boys really enjoyed their swim at Vern and Gia's house. Isn't the pool beautiful? Mike and I were dreaming of how completely entertained our kids would be all the time if we were to live in their house.

Here's a little video of Tyler on the diving board. For a 3 year-old he's a pretty good swimmer! The video is one of the last of many times off the board, so he was kind of tired by this point. He was doing some belly-bruising belly flops! This one was very tame!

1 comment:

The Stums said...

A pool inside their house? That's amazing. Maybe you could introduce us to Vern and Gia, too? :)

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!